Job's sense of sin was vastly increased by the great discoveries he had of God's majesty and glory: "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes!" Increased views of God's glory had the same effect on Isaiah, and made him cry out, "Woe is me! for I am undone!" (Job 42:5-6; Isaiah 6:5). God's presence is infinite; His power is infinite; His nature is infinite; His existence is infinite; and so to sin against Him must be an infinite insult and wrong. Sin is an infinite evil.Sin is that abominable thing which He hates. He hates sin with infinite loathing.
Do we even slightly understand how much God hates sin? How He CANNOT look upon it because of His holiness. I know that I don't and that I need to. I want to. I pray that God helps me to despise my sin as He does. He is so holy and awesome!
Made me think of song by cross movement that says, "Some find sin kind of cozy, snuggly." Yikes! I hate when I snuggle up in my sin!
I hate that we can be so indifferent to the very thing that nailed and held our precious Savior to the bloody cross. UUUGGHHH!
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