Where does the sock that you put into the washer and then the dryer go? I put both of them in there and washed them and dried them both. One disappears. Why? Why so often? Where do the single shoes on the road come from? Why always one and never two? Why in certain areas especially? I know....more deep thoughts.
One had a whole in it, So I ripped it and through it away!!!!! HA-HA-HA
Actually, if we were smart, we'd all take the time to put small items like socks in a "lingerie" bag. It will eventually save us from a big repairs, as sometimes small item of clothing get sucked in below the agitator and tub, that can lead to costly repairs....or.....safety pin socks together" It's worth it !
Man, I thought the age old problem of missing socks was an unsolved mystery... I guess it really is true that my mom knows all things next to God!
to much work for two little socks!!!
Ildeness is the devil's workshop...it gives you something to do when you're not doing anything!
which is when?
Got that from "the devil's tennis- ball" good quote! like watching lifetime...
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