Satan has effectively used enemies disguised as gifts to lure people away from the truth of God and into destructive error. Today’s church is in a particularly severe state of confusion because of its weak doctrine, relativistic thinking, worldly methodology, inaccurate interpretation of Scripture, lax internal discipline, and spiritual immaturity. What is sorely needed is spiritual discernment—the skill of separating divine truth from error (1 Thess. 5:21).
Perhaps you are discerning in the everyday affairs of life. You read nutritional labels because you want to be healthy. You read the fine print of the stock market report before making financial investments. If you need surgery, you carefully select the right doctor. Maybe you’re highly analytical about politics and can accurately assess a plethora of domestic and foreign issues. Or maybe you’re an armchair quarterback who evaluates offensive and defensive strategies. All that is fine, but can you discern between divine truth and error?
This reminds me of the conversation I was having not too long ago regarding why the church today seems afraid to call a false teacher a false teacher. We are weak in discernement and afraid to exercise the discernemtn we do have! We need to be people of discernment and conviction.
I just heard a really good serment by phil Jonson today, On discernment and how the church has slipped into worldy functions. The People have lost it's desire to hear sound doctrine, It's to easy on the ears not to except weak teaching.
We will not have good diserment, if we don't learn to listen to that still small voice, yet all above that other noise Christ will not prick our hearts if we are to busy for him.....
Or absolute truth, there's another topic that gets people labeled as closeminded or black and white. Absolute truth is absolute, there's only one right answer....right!! I think these two definitely go together to discern truth rightly from the scriptures one will find the answer to absolute truth. God has His view whether we like it or not.
Reegz, did you write this? I've never heard you use the word plethora....
No Kristi, I didn't. Consider me a plagerist. Have you heard me use that word? :o)
not until now....
So who wrote it?
It's from a John MacArthur sermon. One of my favorite sites.
I knew it was from Johnny Mac...there are some words that are unmistakenly his !
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