Uncle Steven is so much fun! He came over to babysit the other night and it was pouring. He had the kids go outside with him, in their clothes, and dance in the rain! Now, moms NEVER do this kind of stuff because they find it annoying and a mess! But UNCLES, they are lotsa fun! Thanks Steven for bringing on the fun!
This reminds me of one of my favorite childhood memories- when we used to go over to Grandpa Vint and Grandma Bev's house and it would rain outside and we would sit along the curbs on their road and the water would flow over our legs and it felt so warm and was so fun- do you remember?
Totally remember! I didn't know you were part of that fine memory. I thought you were busy hanging out with mom and dad as we were shoveled off to grannys! Jamie and I loved that!
I thnk they were singing, Let it reign ... Michel w smith spw
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